Email Templates
Here’s some suggested email templates for you to send to your friends, family, and community to help you with your fundraising. Cut and paste them into your email program, and feel free to edit them however you wish to suit your liking:
Example Template 1:
Hi <Name> I am supporting Food on the Table by participating in their Soup and Sleep fundraiser - you may have already seen some of my communications on social media. They support disadvantaged and vulnerable people right across South Australia by providing meals and training opportunities. Their simple mission is to see that No-One Goes Hungry.
If you can help I'd be most appreciative- it's going to be a tough year for many. Please just click the following link to go to my fundraising page:
Thank you so much for supporting me and Food on the Table!
Thank you,
<Your Name>
Example Template 2:
Hi <Name>
I am supporting Food on the Table in their Annual Major Fundraiser - Soup and Sleep – to be held on June 8th this year.
It’s been a difficult past 12 months or so for many, and I reckon there are a few that are going to do it tough in the times ahead - so thought I’d try and do my bit to assist. All my donations are heading towards Food on the Table who are now serving loads of soup and other food – linking with other great charities in Adelaide - and feeling that there’s more demand than ever. Last year, they made and distributed nearly 50,000 meals! They also provide training opportunities to disadvantaged and vulnerable members of our community
Any help would be very much appreciated and all donations are 100% tax deductible.
Cheers and thanks,
<Your Name>